Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of dealing with unsatisfying web design? Imagine collaborating with a designer, envisioning the perfect website, and receiving the promise of a fulfilling delivery only to have that delivery fall short. A professional web design company will not fall short of your expectations. Knowing how to identify a qualified web designer can assist you in making sure you receive a finished product that commands attention.
It’s About Show, Not Tell
A web designer can make all kinds of promises. It may sound good, in theory, but you need to pay more attention to the visuals. The designer will have no issue showcasing their work. You can use a designer’s portfolio to identify if their design process meets your needs and expectations. Here at Pixel Agility, the work speaks for itself. You can test drive the demo sites and ask for customizations that suit your business.
You should also go beyond the showcased work. Pay attention to the designer’s website. Often a professional web design company will claim they are “too busy” to update their own website. Although a quality designer is usually busy, that is no excuse for a poorly designed website. Your designer should have a kick-butt website that highlights design skills and attention to detail.
It Goes Beyond Basic Photoshop
A web designer should know more than just basic Photoshop skills. Instead, the designer should know how to build a site using basic scripts, XML, HTL, and CSS if needed. That is not to say that a designer should know how to build complex web applications, but they should at least know how to make pages come together seamlessly.
The Pricing Reflects the Professionalism
Bottom line – you get what you pay for. Cheaper is not always better. Understandably, everyone wants to save money, but you must approach web design realistically when it comes to your budget. If you think it’s possible to obtain a high-quality website for $100, it is time to reevaluate. A professional designer will spend hours, days, or even weeks on your project to ensure your satisfaction.
Here at Pixel Agility, we take the time to consult, conceptualize, and craft your website. If you find yourself looking at a professional web design company that offers cheap services, my best advice to you is to run – not walk – away. Find someone that genuinely cares enough about you, your business, and their own reputation to charge fair, honest prices for the quality of their work.
Where is the Business Located?
Locality is not so much of an issue anymore thanks to the digital age breaking down so many barriers. However, you still need to take certain geographical locations into consideration. To be frank, if your business is based in the U.S. and you hire a designer overseas, you are likely going to run into communication and cultural issues. It is better to work with a professional web design company based in the same country as you to avoid those issues.
Pixel Agility looks forward to assisting you with your web design needs. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do to assist you in making your business visible to the digital world.